How to Mine Litecoin: The Ultimate Guide to Litecoin Mining


gpu or cpu

Luckily, there are Litecoin mining pools that you can join. Individual miners can combine their computing power with the group to collectively compete. You will need to pay a fee to the operator of the pool and rewards are slightly lower but using a mining pool will ensure rewards remain frequent. Look around and compare pools, as there are different fees and payout structures/frequencies.

  • While it can be mined on computers, to be competitive Litecoin requires several ASIC miners.
  • Mining Litecoin is a little bit difficult if you are not technically-minded.
  • For those who went with an ASIC, it should have mining software already installed.
  • For Litecoin, miners will need to purchase ASICs that are designed to run the scrypt algorithm.

While it can be mined on computers, to be competitive Litecoin requires several ASIC miners. is an independent comparison platform and information service that aims to provide you with the tools you need to make better decisions. While we are independent, the offers that appear on this site are from companies from which receives compensation. We may receive compensation from our partners for placement of their products or services.

Crypto mining entails adding transactions to a distributed ledger and validating them on a blockchain network. Most significantly, crypto mining prevents the cryptocurrency from being used twice on a decentralized network, a practice referred to as double-spending. Along with the Litecoin mining profitability, the list of top 5 Litecoin miners is updated frequently. Since Litecoin is a proof-of-work mining coin and real energy has to be provided, miners incur recurring costs that need to be amortized. This is why miners have to sell parts of their earned Litecoin from time to time in order to pay for running costs, being mainly electricity and hardware equipment.

Litecoin Blockchain Stats

The final cost to consider is the fee required when selling any crypto. If you intend to sell all the Litecoin that you mine, a fee will need to be paid to the cryptocurrency exchange or broker used to facilitate the transaction. These fees vary between exchanges and can be minimal, but should still be factored into the overall cost.

Can I mine Litecoin?

Anyone can mine Litecoin on their home computer, the question is whether they will be profitable. Unless miners are running specialized hardware called ASICs, it is unlikely that they will make any money mining Litecoin.

You may earn a few cryptos along the way but don’t expect to be super profitable unless you invest more resources and time into mining. The protocols coming out like Cardano and Polkadot will function with a Proof-of-Stake model. This is meant to handle many problems, such as energy consumption, of Proof-of-Work. Proof-of-Stake operates on mining power based on tokens a user owns. It doesn’t need the large computational power of older generation blockchain mining. At the same time as demand increases, Litecoin supply also dwindles.

Is Litecoin Worth Mining?

If you want to mine Litecoin, you really need to consider the following piece of hardware. When LTC mining first began, it was possible to make good profits by using just a CPU and a GPU . In reality, if you can’t afford to buy your own equipment and/or don’t want to take the risk, this is probably the best solution for you. You need to supply lots of personal information and you have to trust them to look after your money.

Right click the application and unzip it to a location of your choosing with Extract here or Extract files. Depending on which ASIC you choose to mine with, you will choose them in the Main Hardware drop down section. All of these configurations may differ so it’s best to read everything on the website to see what configuration works best with your ASIC. When mining Litecoin, we’ll mostly focus on the beginner and intermediate’s way to mine.

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Now that Litecoin has become really popular, more and more people are investing their time to mine it. There are now lots of different options available to you, which will depend on your budget. It’s like thousands of people trying to solve the same puzzle. What you should know, though, is that there’s an easier way to obtain Litecoin.

This allows miners to create new blocks, or data where the network is recorded. Many of the older cryptocurrency networks, like Bitcoin and Litecoin, were built on this functionality. They are rewarded for this verification work with cryptocurrency tokens. Different mining pools have their own method of determining how you are rewarded. The simplest method is Pay Per Share, which guarantees you LTC payouts, even if the block is not successfully mined. Your payout depends on your hashrate contribution to the total pool size.

Although this method is not as profitable as having an ASIC, you are, if anything, participating in mining. For beginner miners, you just need your laptop or desktop computer. It’s recommended to have a decent graphics processing unit at least, one that gamers and video editors use. If you’re not looking to earn profit on what you mine, however, a regular PC will be able to mine fragments of Litecoin indirectly. Bitcoin has even been influenced by Litecoin’s developments as well. Litecoin was built on similar code, with the Lightning Network, a layer 2 solution to blockchain transactions, first being implemented on Litecoin.

Solo mining also means paying much more in electricity fees, and relying entirely on your own setup rather than the power of others as well. All of these factors should be considered when mining Litecoin. Before you start mining, it’s important to decide if you’d like to mine solo or in a pool.

So you should calculate whether it can i mine litecoins off to mine LTC or another coin. Timothy Li is a consultant, accountant, and finance manager with an MBA from USC and over 15 years of corporate finance experience. Timothy has helped provide CEOs and CFOs with deep-dive analytics, providing beautiful stories behind the numbers, graphs, and financial models. Erika Rasure is globally-recognized as a leading consumer economics subject matter expert, researcher, and educator.

  • However, with such a low-powered device, the chances of getting a successful block are very low.
  • Pools can and do prioritize miners with better hardware, distributing payouts to members with more capital.
  • The absolute beginner way, with not as much upfront investment, is using a program like unMineable.
  • If you live somewhere with especially cheap electricity then Litecoin mining could definitely be worth it.

This information is used as the default inputs for the can i mine litecoin mining calculator along with the default hashrate and wattage specs from the best Litecoin miner. Enter your Litecoin mining hashrate, power consumption in watts, and costs. At the time of writing, 12.5 Litecoin are issued as block rewards on average every 2.5 minutes. In about two years from now, the issuance amount per block will be cut in half with the reward dropping to 6.25. From there, every four years going forward, Litecoin will experience another halving, bringing Litecoins issuance down to 0 eventually.


” you’ll want to consider an ASIC – essentially a piece of Litecoin mining hardware that specializes in crypto. It’s not too different from a traditional GPU, it just has that special focus. No matter which method you choose, you’ll need a Litecoin miner – a reasonably powerful GPU or CPU – to get started. Mining the asset is much cheaper and faster than Bitcoin, and doesn’t require powerful and expensive mining rigs . For many, cryptocurrency mining can be a lucrative business opportunity, enabling them to profit off automated work. But for many more, mining is an intimidating concept with little to no education on how to get involved.

mining hashrate

For example, if you wanted to transfer some money to your friend, you would probably use a bank. Investopedia requires writers to use primary sources to support their work. These include white papers, government data, original reporting, and interviews with industry experts. We also reference original research from other reputable publishers where appropriate. You can learn more about the standards we follow in producing accurate, unbiased content in oureditorial policy.

If you’re using the Lite Core Wallet, you’ll find it in the receive section, like in the Wallet section of this article. Whether you’re using a software wallet, exchange wallet, or Dogecoin Core wallet, copy and paste that into your unMineable address. Before we get into mining Litecoin, a word about Cloud Mining.


For Litecoin, miners will need to purchase ASICs that are designed to run the scrypt algorithm. This is an algorithm that both Dogecoin and Litecoin LINK use to mine blocks. Because these different coins share the same algorithm, miners mining Litecoin may also mine Dogecoin simultaneously.

Can I mine Litecoin on my phone?

Specific mobile apps allow you to mine cryptocurrencies on your phone. But popular digital assets like Bitcoin are harder to mine than new coins. You can mine Litecoin on your phone but don’t expect huge earnings.

Money, but you’ll also be charged a monthly bill for electricity. The rest of your earnings will be transferred to your wallet. Miners sometimes sell a portion of their earned Litecoin to cover their expenses. If you wish to start mining this coin, consider the following seven steps.

A mining pool works by combining the hashpower of multiple miners and sharing the block rewards between participants. This gives miners a much more consistent stream of income. Miners must use one or more ASIC mining devices specially designed for Litecoin and join a mining pool.

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As your device mines, any will be automatically deposited into your wallet. When it comes to Litecoin compared to Bitcoin, there are 84 million possible Litecoin, making the asset much more accessible for everyone. On top of this, blocks are processed every two and a half minutes or so on Litecoin, while Bitcoin is ten minutes. This is an incredibly fast piece of Litecoin mining hardware, and it’s even made by a crypto-focused company called Bitmain. However, if you’re seriously wondering “can Litecoin make you rich?

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Since ASICs are only useful if they’re compatible with the coin they mine, the coin developers could change the code to render the ASIC useless. For our second pool, we’re going to mine on NiceHash and get paid in Bitcoin. Once you find it, right-click on it and choose “Copy IP.” Paste the IP into your browser’s URL line. This content is for informational purposes only and is not investment advice. You should consult a qualified licensed advisor before engaging in any transaction.

Yes, mining Litecoin is still profitable – based on the mining hardware hashrate of 9,500.00 MH/s, electricity costs, and pool / maintenance fees provided. Joining a mining pool is one way for you to earn a more stable income from mining. This increases the chances that one of them will find a correct hash. They then share the block reward amongst themselves depending on who contributes the most computational power to the pool.


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